WinShape Camps ON Senior FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is there a difference between ON Junior and ON Senior?

A: WinShape Camps ON Senior was designed with that age group in mind. We recognized that engaging them for 4 hours multiple days in a row is not something they would enjoy as much as our younger campers. For that reason, we are spreading out a week of content into 5 weeks for campers to enjoy all summer long.

Q: Do WinShape ON Senior campers get a Camper Kit?

A: Campers will not get a Camper Kit, however, registered campers will get a theme t-shirt! While we will not be sending Camper Kits to our ON Senior campers, we are currently working to launch an online camp store where you’ll be able to purchase swag for your ON Senior camper. More to come soon!

Q: When will we know more details about WinShape ON Senior?

A: We’re working to finalize those now and are targeting for registration to go live by June 8th.. Until then, mark your calendars for 7pm every Thursday starting the week of June 15th and going until July 17th. That is when we will host our weekly online gathering for completed 7th-12th graders, including video conference Life Groups.